DevOps Services

DevOps Services

DevOps enables you to get new features and products to market faster, with fewer bugs, improved customer experience and greater cost savings that can be invested elsewhere in your business.

What is DevOps?

So what is DevOps? DevOps is the perfect intersection of People, Processes and Technology that enables collaborative engineering to seamlessly deliver quality software into production at pace. It is a positive disruptor that can impact all of your established processes, role definitions, reward systems, governance models and technology deployments.

Why is DevOps testing so important?

Organisations with a mature DevOps testing strategy are deploying code 30 times more frequently than their competitors, and getting their code into production 200 times faster. The reason why Continuous Testing is so important at every stage of the pipeline is that it significantly reduces the costs associated with investigating fixes, root cause analysis and ultimately rework. It is the only way to ensure you release high quality software continuously and smoothly without having to go back to fix issues.

Regardless of how DevOps testing begins in your organisation, the automation, continuous integration, and continuous delivery that it enables are the cornerstones of digital innovation, speed and cost effectiveness. This makes DevOps testing a critical enabler and accelerator of Digital Transformation and the key to market-leading business outcomes.

How can Sogeti’s DevOps Services help you?

The pillars on which DevOps is built are People, Processes and Technology and to succeed, these 3 elements have to be dynamic; adapting and changing in alignment with new tech and customer requirements. At Sogeti, we believe that Continuous Delivery strongly relies on a people centric philosophy as your employees will define processes which set the stage for the success of  tools, and therefore the output of the value chain. With the right skills and experience, the Deployment Pipeline can be further optimised by leveraging Continuous Integration, Automation and Continuous Testing. Sogeti's DevOps services can help you to achieve the benefits of Continuous Delivery. 

Sogeti’s DevOps consultancy services can help you to manage the implementation and optimisation of each of the three key elements of your DevOps transformation. Sogeti’s DevOps services will help you select best in class tools, furnish your team with the right skills and fine tune your processes to bridge silos, work in a more collaborative way and achieve the cultural change that reinforces DevOps thinking.  

How is it conducted?

Sogeti's DevOps services cna help you to mitigate risk and ensure a successful DevOps transformation by defining a clear roadmap so that you can remain focused on your core values and goals and dedicate all of your internal resources to business critical tasks.

For clients commencing a new DevOps initiative, we first run a digital readiness and capability evaluation to determine the most effective roadmap for change and select the best enterprise metrics to facilitate continuous improvement. If you have already begun your DevOps journey and want to take it to the next level, we can implement a maturity assessment and recommend the next steps to accelerate your transformation.

DevOps Best Practices

1) Focus on your own specific business drivers for Digital Transformation; perhaps it’s delivering better software cheaper and faster, diversifying into new markets or innovating ahead of the competition.

2) Win over C-level executives and employees enterprise wide by successfully adopting DevOps for one project then as confidence grows and the processes and culture are accepted roll it out further.

3) Reward success and avoid a blame culture is essential to DevOps success, if things go wrong the different teams need to pull together to fix it fast.

4) Move to cross-functional teams and introduce automation where it is most needed and likely to succeed. These are the cornerstones to success.

5) After training, enable your teams to work autonomously with a self-service capability to provision their own architecture and develop tooling frameworks.

6) A bottom up approach is best for both better code and the flow of innovation, so enable developers to use trusted and proven open source APIs and take advantage of containerisation for standardisation and efficiency in any environment.

7) Don’t be tempted to centralise or you will end up with your DevOps team itself operating in a silo, which is fatal. Instead create a DevOps team for each line of business.

8) Remember that your ultimate goal is continuous integration and continuous delivery.

9) Make use of the cloud to create test environments that closely match production, accessible on demand and easy to scale up or down.

10) Abolish the stress and risk of big releases and break apps down into manageable microservices to be developed, tested and deployed individually. Create an automated framework that is right for your specific business and audit regularly to ensure ongoing efficiency.

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Enterprise DevOps Report
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