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Cognitive QA services

See what others don't with Cognitive QA - The New Essential Ingredient

Increasing volumes of new, digital technologies, more connectivity, and escalating levels of data in applications demand a smarter approach to QA and Testing operations. This includes intelligent test automation and smart analytics that enable informed decision making, fast validation and automatic adaptation of test suites. Manual testing can be highly subjective and, as such, is prone to error. On average an existing test set, 30% is typically irrelevant and doesn't tell you anything you didn't already know from other test cases.

By applying an intelligent approach you can enable QA and Testing teams to deliver quality with speed in a complex connected world at optimized cost. We call this Cognitive QA.

Webcast: Start your cognitive QA journey with our experts

Whether you are just starting your journey to Cognitive QA or are already underway this 20 minute webcast by two of our Digital Assurance & Testing experts, Mark Buenen and Andrew Fullen, will provide useful insight into the key steps and ingredients you need to consider to ensure you deliver an optimised approach.

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  • Mark Buenen
    Mark Buenen
    Global Leader of Quality Engineering & Testing at Capgemini Group